There was
one basketball hoop, weights, and a set of rings on a high bar I worked-out on
every day. While jogging, every ten-steps, an officer stood in my way so that
one lap around the yard made for almost two. We didn’t talk much. My reputation
for violence preceded my arrest and that could have been the motivation for the
attitude of the guards. Frustrated that this tactic failed to rankle, one of
them upped the ante and bumped me hard at times. A-hole numero uno muttered
insults as I passed, “What’s the matter Kraszhinski, no one to rape here?”
It would
make it too easy for him if I responded.
I stopped
by the weights bench and high bar. Though it was December, I stripped down to
boxers and tees, I chalked up my hands, and did a few gymnastic turns on the
bar and rings. A little out of practice but not as much as I faked being weaker
than I was. One of the less belligerent guards had been watching me, he complimented
me saying, “Not bad, Kraszhinski.”
isometrics I did at sea and in the cell, had worked well enough to keep my
strength up. I got a little short-winded but still made a show of panting,
“Yeah, not so hot now. My hands are gonna blister too. You guys have any tape?”
Things like
tape in prison and jails is a security item kept locked up. The guard came back
with a large three-inch wide roll, “Hold ‘em out. I’ll wrap ‘em.”
“Wrap ‘em
thick. I have a girly-man’s hands now, ya know?”
guard saw what was going on and stepped up to us, “Yeah, tape ‘em up good,
Mikey. The pervs got blisters from chokin’ the chicken.”
anyone, guards have limits to how much they can tolerate from each other in a
confined work space. The officer clearly resented the disrespect of using a
derivative version of his name, Mikey, in front of an inmate. To see how
far I could stretch a favor, I tried asking just within earshot so A-hole would
have to strain to hear, “Those guys kicked in my ribs pretty good too back
there. Don’t want to put you on the spot in front of this cowboy, but can you
use some of that tape to wrap my ribs so that I can work out some more on the
“Sure, I
can do that,” he sneered at A-hole.
"Thanks, man. If you can, tight enough to keep 'em from popping out but I still gotta breathe, you know?"
"Thanks, man. If you can, tight enough to keep 'em from popping out but I still gotta breathe, you know?"
stepped back and said, “While you’re at it, Mikey, don’t be wrappin’ your arms
around him too long. You guys might have ta git a room.”
wasn’t taking any shit, “Fuck you.”
After he
wrapped my ribs, thanking him, I said, “Gotta see if I can breathe,” then
picked up my jump suit and started some more laps around the yard.
leered. I wasn’t so sure he was kidding or was just using amateur psy-ops
tactics, “You look good in that corset, Kraszhinski. Don’t work up too much of
a sweat. Maybe I’ll want to see you tonight.”
never let-up on verbal abuse… psychological bending works better than torture.
They’d already used isolation and sensory deprivation on me. I’d done them all
on prisoners myself and these characters could never know what I could endure
when I fell back on what I did best. Not only was I trained to endure all
these, but trained to do so as a volunteer lab rat for the CIA while tripping
on Lysergic Acid Diethylene. The few of us, those of us who had the aptitude to
pass that regime, laughed, and called it the Acid test.
Lap one:
The trick was to know that; whatever the experience, whatever the
hallucination, whatever the fear evoked… it was all in the space
between the skull and what I call, the inner-sanctum. Unless they knew what they were doing, the guards’ tactics
were unwittingly trying to get in there. My
job was to not let anything inside uninvited… to rarely believe that which is
outside the head except what is in my face. I go inside but go way-in there…
way-in, all the way to … the Holy of Holies… where… no thought impure… where no
pain, no threats of imminent death … the external is not allowed within… it is
all to be dealt with from in there… the command center.
Lap two:
What is exploding in the cavern of the skull is irrelevant to the mission. The
mission is to survive. The mission, once captured, is to preserve and restore
chi, resist, escape … or otherwise take command and meld, direct the energy and
purposes of the enemy against themselves. Even death holds nothing on me
because it too is an escape and escape is a tactical victory.
Lap three;
I have no beef with law enforcement. Most are well intentioned and honorable
but, when incarcerated, no matter my personal feelings about an individual
corrections officer, those feelings are never to get in the way of the
previously described mission.
Lap Four: Keep
running ‘til Mother Earth opens her thighs to Father Sky. The prison of self is
the same as concrete and steel. There is no going back from the brink of the
ultimate death, the death to self, the death to ambition, the abandonment of
hope, given over to the sea of consciousness where the heart of compassion
beats. I neither love nor hate the enemy. The enemy is just another dancer to
the drumbeat of the cosmos. The only thing left is to dive into it or else go
back to the oblivion of drunkenness. Will I ever come back from the madness of it once
I’ve tasted the nectar of its virtue? Naw, but not because I can’t but because
I have no reason to. O, Sweet Buddha, you are so full of shit. Peggy Lee sings
in my head as I jog one step at a time, if that’s all there is, if that’s
all there is my friend, then let’s keep dancing.
synchronicity of it all was cosmic… and there it was… the Bardo… the gap
between guards. All unarmed but for a side-handle baton and pepper spray. No
tasers at that time either. A-hole stopped at the side of the single chain-link
fence … I see it… his shoelace had become loose… he turned his back to me…
mistake one… and squatted down to tie the lace … mistake two… the right spot
where the chain link fence is most stable at its post. A Shoelace! Holy Shiva!
NOW! Dance!
It’s the Bardo between here and now. Within the inner sanctum time is suspended… I toss the jail-house jump suit onto the crotch of the Y shaped supports for the razor wire above the guard … The guard was still crouched over… I leap-step and spring-board from his back. I fly upward in skivvies, tee shirt, and boxer shorts momentum lifted to the top of the fence… both hands wrapped in tape … pull up on both sides of the Y-bar where the jumpsuit was draped. The spiral of razor sharp blades cut through the material of the jump suit and the flesh of my chest and through the surface of the tape over my palms enough to draw blood. I had movement and momentum though and swung my legs over the wire with a kick.
The spring-boarded A-hole looked frantic and yelled, “Fuck! Kraszhinski! Stop him! Halt, Motherfucker!”
It’s the Bardo between here and now. Within the inner sanctum time is suspended… I toss the jail-house jump suit onto the crotch of the Y shaped supports for the razor wire above the guard … The guard was still crouched over… I leap-step and spring-board from his back. I fly upward in skivvies, tee shirt, and boxer shorts momentum lifted to the top of the fence… both hands wrapped in tape … pull up on both sides of the Y-bar where the jumpsuit was draped. The spiral of razor sharp blades cut through the material of the jump suit and the flesh of my chest and through the surface of the tape over my palms enough to draw blood. I had movement and momentum though and swung my legs over the wire with a kick.
The spring-boarded A-hole looked frantic and yelled, “Fuck! Kraszhinski! Stop him! Halt, Motherfucker!”
The changing of the shift had eyes on clipboards and forms… bureaucrats with badges busy. Not long… but just long enough.
I was already out before he finished calling.
Go Krash! I remember the Peggy Lee song as it seemed to fit my mood back then but it was depressing....